Our mission is to bring Gospel transformation to every generation.

Join Us In-Person

Please choose your area above to find out service times and any other information for your local campus. We also have services available online if you’re unable to attend onsite.

Meet Our Lead Pastor

Kaleb Allen

I'm so thankful you've taken the time to get to know us. We genuinely long for God's kingdom to come in our region and pray that you and your family know his peace and presence in the days to come. If we can serve you in any way please don't hesitate to reach out to myself or any of the CRC team. God bless!

What To Expect

Sunday Service

Our services are around an hour and fifteen minutes. Our worship team does an incredible job leading us each week and our pastoral team works hard to teach the Bible in a honest and straight forward way. Please don’t stress at all about your clothes. Many attend in casual dress while others feel more comfortable in business casual attire. We just want you to feel comfortable in whatever you decide to wear and to feel free to be yourself.

What about my kids?

Our Renew Kids team host’s services each week that coincide with our adult services for our little ones from ages 0-12. Our team  is passionate about leading our kids to grow in God’s word and presence. Kids services are fun and safe. We really believe your kids will grow and enjoy themselves! When you arrive you’ll see directions to our check in process clearly posted in the main lobby and we will always have greeters ready to assist you if you have any questions.

Our Ministries

Let's Partner

We believe we’re called to see our region impacted significantly with the gospel of Jesus by the power of the Spirit. We also have a strong conviction that every believer is a minister and called to participate. Thank you for your willingness to partner with us! Please fill out the form below and we will have the team lead get in contact with you for the ministry you are interested in.